In the summer of 2023, Openstorytellers presented a show for the Frome Festival.
The name of this was The Mysterious Apple People.
This show was an example of how we devise a piece that is made up of many different parts.
The story brought the audience into an immersive space. They experienced – and took part in – life on board a ship, a trip to a carnival in Costa Rica, a violent storm where we encountered Ariel (of The Tempest fame) and none other than the goddess of the sea, Calypso.
The audience went on to discover a world of stories through the Everything Tree where we met – amongst others – a talking rose, Isaac Newton, a wise mayor, the Seven Crows and Icarus.
The audience were then enchanted by a story-trail that led them through our rooms at RISE with the story of the Nightingale and a curated selection of our finest short films, before sending them off (happy tears and all!) with a dance and a song.
The performance was a great success and it was especially interesting to invite the audience members into the space we call our artistic home. It helped us make important connections with other professional companies (watch this space!)
We are excited about devising together and bringing the creative ideas from our inner worlds out into the open and onto the stage.