Support Us

We work hard to be ‘more than just a day service’ and to do this, we need more than ‘just day service’ money. 

For help explaining this page watch our explainer video

open Story Tellers Frome

Regular Giving

We work hard to be more than ‘just a provider’ and this is where we need your support. 

We can’t deliver the innovation and creativity OpenStoryTellers is known for, without the continued support of donors like you. 

A regular monthly donation, however small, helps us be responsive and plan for the future, knowing that we have the funds to put long term projects in place that will support our community to thrive. 

open Story Tellers Frome

Fundraise for Us

Run, bake, dive from the sky… you can be sponsored to support us! Or maybe you’d like to fundraise in another way. 

Please get in touch if you’re thinking about raising money for OpenStoryTellers so that we can offer our help. And we can tell the rest of the world how magnificent you are. 

open Story Tellers Frome

Donate Now

We LOVE our donors, and a donation of any amount makes a difference!  

You will be supporting us to do things differently; elevating the voices of people with learning disabilities and together, we will make our world more inclusive! 

Fund Us

We are supported by a number of amazing organisations, who share our vision and our values.  Not all are represented here, but we are hugely grateful for their funding and support.

community fund logo

Explainer Video

Join Joe, Ellie and Alex who will explain what is on this webpage.

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