
What is OST and Me? 

OST and ME is a project which will help us understand what the artists like about Openstorytellers, and don’t like so we can support the artists to express their feelings about Openstorytellers.   The team who will be running this project will be, Alex, Ellie and Joe. We are seriously excited that the talented Katy Brickley

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open Story Tellers


At Openstorytellers we revel in collaborating with other companies and artists.   In early 2023, we were approached by artists Pauline Scott-Garrett and Emma Kerr as we operate in the building RISE where Pauline was to research and create work for an exhibition called “Undertow” (for The Whittox Gallery also in the same building).  Pauline described

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Open Story Tellers Frome


At Openstorytellers, we have so many creative things happening throughout the week. Every day, more work is generated – words, movements, poetry, visual art, story, songs, music …  We have developed an interesting way to organise all that material and to help collaboration happen in a way that all the artists here can use.  In

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open Story Tellers Frome

The Mysterious Apple People 

In the summer of 2023, Openstorytellers presented a show for the Frome Festival.  The name of this was The Mysterious Apple People.  This show was an example of how we devise a piece that is made up of many different parts.  The story brought the audience into an immersive space. They experienced – and took

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